Saturday, November 1, 2008

What do the hell by "Get In" - well I mean get in there - have fun - be the star of your movie. I've travelled enough to know that the world is full of so many amazing things - so get in - and have fun.

And - if you are a tasty bit of food - well Get In My Mouth.


Leung Man said...

That sounds excellent! I had a wiff of white truffles on Saturday and kept getting jarring fragrance flashbacks for the rest of the day - like epileptic seizures.

SibbieC said...

You two Man brothers and your extraordinary sense of smell! When are you going to cook for Moi????

Love SibbieC.

SibbieC said...

Lee, send your blog to Suzanne. She would love it!! She is a "foodie" too you know - we have all got to get together SOON.